010000, РК,
г. Астана,
ул. Динмухамеда Кунаева 33,
Метка на карте
010000, РК,
г. Астана,
ул. Динмухамеда Кунаева 33,
Метка на карте
The safety filter is typically used in high vacuum application and is positioned between the filter and the fan to protect the fan against larger particles.
The housing is made of a welded steel structure painted in blue paint RAL 5009.
The safety filter is equipped with H13 class filter cartridges according to EN 1822 which are mounted in frames and tightly closed by bolted doors. The flanges are standardized FL flanges.
010000, РК,
г. Астана,
ул. Динмухамеда Кунаева 33,
Метка на карте
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