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Объединяем лучшее, воплощаем в надежное!

010000, РК, г. Астана,
ул. Динмухамеда Кунаева 33,
офис 1003
Метка на карте

Объединяем лучшее, воплощаем в надежное!

010000, РК, г. Астана,
ул. Динмухамеда Кунаева 33,
офис 1003
Метка на карте

QF Воздуховод нержавеющий

Manufactured from galvanised steel or stainless steel with laser welded seams, which have smoother internal surfaces and provide greatly enhanced leak resistance, QF ducting offers an unbeatable solution for all general purpose dust extraction duties.
The Quick-Fit™ clip features a generously dimensioned sealing gasket held firmly in place by positive overcentre clamping action over the rolled collars at the duct ends to be joined. For added security, a locking pin may be inserted.

  • QF for fast installation with no special tools, no painting, flexible working
  • Easy to assemble installation components
  • Neat slip duct connections to adapt and adjust ducting on site during installation
  • Laser welded straight ducts for smoother surface and enhanced leak resistance
  • Easy to extend or take apart completely for cleaning, reconfiguring or relocation