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Ең жақсысын біріктіріп, оны сенімдіге айналдырамыз!

010000, ҚР, Астана қ.,
Дінмұхамед Қонаев к-сі, 33,
1003 кеңсе
Картадағы белгі

Өнеркәсіптік шаңсорғыш 106A

A high capacity vacuum unit for suction and transportation of various non-flammable liquids like oil, chemicals, mud, cooling liquids and water, as well as metal chips, sand, and other granules. The standard version vacuum unit can fill the container with liquids in a minute or two. Suction equipment is made for heavy duty work. The container is mounted to the trolley by brackets.

  • Comes with NE 32 powerhead
  • Wet & Dry cleaning
  • Vacuuming capacity
  • Easy handling
  • Bottom discharge optional